Social Media Stupidity

I logged onto my Facebook account earlier this week, and after reading one girl’s status, I immediately logged off. I went to high school with this girl. Unfortunately, she was immature back then, and she is immature now. Not much has changed in her life, except the fact that she is now responsible for two other human beings. She is a mother. As a mother of two, she frequently posts videos and statuses about her children. One particular status annoyed me to the point that I logged off.

Earlier this week, she posted a status that read: “I luh my kidz but dey badd af! i wish dey daddy wuz out of prison so he could cum n get dem.” I was so offended that I unfriended her before I logged off. My biggest social media pet peeves, without a doubt, are oversharing and bad grammar. Hal Thomas of Savannah’s Noble Mouse once said, “social media is a dialogue, not a monologue.”

I completely agree with that statement. In fact, I agree with it so much, that I logged onto my Facebook the next day and posted it for all of my friends to see. I understand that oversharing is difficult to decipher, especially in today’s society. Celebrities do it (e.g. “Twitter beef”), so that makes it socially acceptable. If everyone took just ten seconds to ask him or herself, “Will this status affect my career, in the event that a future employer stalks my page?,” the world would be a less annoying place. The same question should be asked regarding grammar. Bad grammar will never be attractive in any way, shape, or form (i.e. professionally, intimately, etc.). In the meantime, I will continue to unfriend certain individuals that annoy me.

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